TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Hey, that just is not fair!
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Subject Hey, that just is not fair!
Posted by ConVerTT on October 29, 2010 at 9:51 PM
  This message has been viewed 330 times.
In Reply To Sounds like you have done a lot of work but my post posted by ChrisZTT(Sacto, CA) on October 29, 2010 at 07:12 PM
Message 1) I didn't copy or even try to copy your box. I am not selling anything. I built it for my own personal enjoyment as a hobbyist and enthusiast. (If you look at my post history I kind of do a lot of things my own way and for no particular reason other than to see what will happen).

2) There are really few similarities between the two boxes other than they are carpetted MDF. You completed ignore the eccentric (staggered and offset) nature of my design in your comparison. Note that my box is staggered to push the subs upwards and forwards past the lip of the rear deck. That stagger also creates space for folding the plastic window down without contacting the sub. The latter is something that I noticed almost by accident as I was mocking up the box out of cardboard and I decided to incorporate it to save my back window. ( I have changed the canvas top before too - it is a PITA).

3) Anyone that has changed a fuel pump (as I have) or has pulled the package tray for any reason, can measure up the area that they have to work with and then follow the box building instructions on (as I did) and build their own box if they have the time and inclination.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication that you have put into the community, and as I said in my prior post my back up plan was to buy one of your boxes if I could not build my own. Also, I have always been a big supporter of innovators on this site and I have also shunned the copycats. All that being said, I just decided to build myself a box and this is how it turned out. I don't have any plans to sell it or market it. I built it for my own enjoyment as a hobbyist and enthusiast. With all due respect, I don't think your sarcasm is warranted here.

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